In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Disability Services (DS) provides sign language interpreters, upon request, to facilitate communication for students who are deaf or hard of hearing and who use sign language to communicate. The interpreters hold state and/ or national certification. Interpreters adhere to a Code of Professional Conduct set forth by the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID).
Communicating Through Sign Language Interpreters
Interpreter Preparation
For the interpreters to provide the most effective services, please add the interpreters to the Canvas class as an ‘observer’ so they may access the syllabus, handouts, links, and any other relevant course materials.
Communicating with the Student
All questions or comments should be addressed directly to the student at your normal rate and volume of speech. There is a slight delay when interpreting the spoken message. Therefore, you may experience a delayed response to questions or feedback from the student.
Interpreting Teams
1-2 interpreters will be present during class. For in-person classes, the interpreters will stand in front of and in the direct sightline so that the interpreter and instructor are in the student’s line of sight.
If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact the Interpreter Coordinator, Deidra Flynn- Dobson at 512.245.3451 or