
Adaptive Software & Hardware

Adaptive software and hardware is available in various computer labs and made available for exam administration based on disability-related need. Available software and hardware includes:

  • Duxbury Systems and Juliet Pro Embosser Braille Writers
  • ZoomText Screen Magnification
  • JAWS Screen Reader
  • Tactile Graphic Maker Zy-Fuse Heater
  • Kurzweil Text-to-Speech
  • Dragon Naturally Speaking Speech-to-Text Dictation

Alternative Format Materials

After registering with DS and providing appropriate documentation validating the request for materials in alternative formats, students with disabilities may be eligible to request course materials in alternative formats such as:

  • Braille
  • Electronic text
  • Large print

Students approved of alternative format accommodations may submit their requests through the AIM database.

In order for university-sponsored programs and events to be accessible, an accommodation statement should be included on program fliers, brochures and in event announcements. An accommodation statement may read:


Accessibility at


Accessible Parking

Parking spots designated for persons with disabilities are available in all Texas State parking lots and garages.
  • The Bobbye Watts Student Emergency Services Scholarship is named for Margaret "Bobbye" Watts, who despite a chronic disability, raised four children and earned a bachelor's degree at the age of 62 years old. The eligibility for the scholarship is based on a financial need as the result of an emergency. An emergency is defined for this scholarship criteria as an unforeseen expense caused by an unexpected circumstance that could lead to decreased student performance, a loss of momentum toward academic success or delays in the student's ability to complete their education. Texas State University students who meet the criteria are encouraged to apply for this scholarship. All applicants’ eligibility will be verified by Dean of Students Office.

    1. Applicant must be currently enrolled at Texas State University and be considered a full-time student, based on university criteria.
    2. Applicant must have completed a minimum of 15 credit-hours of coursework at Texas State, and be considered in good academic standing.
    3. Applicant must be currently registered with Disability Services, due to a permanent disability.
    4. Applicant should have a financial need.

    To apply, please complete the application when it is available.

  • The Blake Edward Jaksa Scholarship has been endowed to assist enrolled Texas State University students who have a severe hearing disorder. Prospects must have a 2.5 GPA and making progress towards a degree. The scholarship is awarded annually. However, if the recipient of the scholarship does not maintain a 2.5 GPA, the spring award will be revoked. The scholarship can be used to pay for tuition, fees or books. Awards are based on documentation of need, academic performance and completeness of the application. Students must submit a completed DS General Scholarship Application and provide an audio-logical report.

    To apply, please complete the application when it is available.

  • The Nesenholtz Memorial Scholarship has been endowed to assist enrolled Texas State students with disabilities who have financial need. Preference is given to students with physical impairments and students majoring in history. Students must be enrolled full-time. Applicants must present documentation of a disability to the Disability Services (DS) if they are not already registered with the office.

    To apply, please complete the application when it is available.

For additional questions please review our FAQ page