Closed Captioning

The Law

In accordance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), Disability Services (DS) and Texas State University (TXST) are committed to the provision of auxiliary aids and services to ensure effective communication for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. Auxiliary aids and services include closed captioning (CC); however, in the event CC is not available, TXST will make every effort to provide an equally effective opportunity for participation.

Videos Purchased and Produced by TXST

In order to ensure that video tapes purchased by the university meet ADA compliance for CC, Alkek Library reviews each request for video purchase for CC capability and will purchase the CC version of a video if available. An inventory of all videos available through Alkek is maintained on its website. Specific details, including CC information when available, are provided on each video. In addition, videos produced by TXST for campus departments or programs will include CC or subtitles. CC is a reasonable accommodation for which a university department or program cannot claim financial hardship as justification for not providing the service.

Videos not Purchased or Produced by TXST

DS and Information Technology (IT) staff cannot guarantee that every video shown on campus will be closed captioned; however, if a student or another member of TXST makes a request for CC that cannot be met due to timeliness or lack of availability, then TXST will ensure that an equally effective opportunity for participation is provided. With respect to CC videos in academic courses, this may include, but is not limited to:

  1. Provision of a sign language or oral interpreter
  2. Provision of real time captioning (speech-to-text) services
  3. Alternate assignment

DS will work in conjunction with TXST instructors and staff members to ensure that individual deaf or hard of hearing students have equal opportunities to participate in and benefit from academic and cultural experiences in classes or at events where videos are shown.

Procedures for Students Requesting CC Videos

Prior to or during the first week of classes, students should discuss their CC needs with each of their instructors. It is important that they are familiar with how closed captioning works so that they can explain to each instructor how captioned videos will benefit them in class.

Videos with CC

Students should ask their instructors to contact IT to ensure the classroom has a closed caption decoder installed or that technology with CC capability is available on the date the video is shown. Instructors should contact IT for additional assistance.

Students should follow up with their instructors to ensure that these accommodations are requested at least two weeks before the first date a video will be shown in class.

Videos without CC

  1. If the video scheduled to be shown in class does not have CC, students should ask instructors to borrow or rent a captioned copy. The video may be available on DVD, which generally has a subtitle function.
  2. A free video borrowing system is available through the Captioned Media Program (CMP). If CMP does not have the needed material, instructors may choose to select an alternative video, which may cover the same topic. In addition, if the selected captioned version of a video is not available, students should ask instructors to submit the video title to CMP so that it can be captioned and available for another student at a later time.
  3. Students should become familiar with CMP so they can discuss the program with their instructors.

If students have any questions or need assistance regarding CC videos, please contact DS.